
Lobsters have blue blood.
Camels with one hump are called dromedaries, camels with two humps are called Bactrian camels. "Camel" is the umbrella term for both species.
The tongue of a blue whale weighs about as much as an elephant.
There are over 300 bodies on Mount Everest that cannot be recovered and serve as trail markers for other climbers. The best known are the frozen corpse of Hannelore Schmatz and an unknown climber known as "Green Boots" because of his neon green boots.
Octopuses have a dominant arm.
Humans and giraffes have the same number of vertebrae.
Cheetahs cannot retract their claws.
Only 2% of all people have green eyes.
Some turtle species can breathe through their anus.
Eggplants contain nicotine.
Stars can swallow up planets.
Horses cannot vomit.
Avocados belong to the berry family.
Honey cannot expire.
It's raining diamonds on Saturn.
Sharks have been on earth longer than trees.
An octopus can eat itself when it is very excited.
Niagara Falls has never frozen since 1964.
Owls have no eyeballs.
Sunsets only exist because the Earth's atmosphere scatters the light like a prism.
The deepest place on earth is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.
There are pink dolphins in the Amazon.